When we created this site, we had in mind people who needed to print high page count documents like open source computer manuals.
These are pdf's with hundreds of pages, so they need to be printed double-sided and spiral bound. Usually, this meant a trip to Kinko's...until Printme1.com came along, that is.
Since we opened, we've seen more than a few pdf's from computer programmers like we thought. We've printed some legal documents for attorneys, government documents for politicians (really fat stuff llike the Stimulus bill, for example), and even some documents for RPG gamers.
What else do you think could Printme1.com be great for?
These are pdf's with hundreds of pages, so they need to be printed double-sided and spiral bound. Usually, this meant a trip to Kinko's...until Printme1.com came along, that is.
Since we opened, we've seen more than a few pdf's from computer programmers like we thought. We've printed some legal documents for attorneys, government documents for politicians (really fat stuff llike the Stimulus bill, for example), and even some documents for RPG gamers.
What else do you think could Printme1.com be great for?
i'm using this to print my company's employee manuals. also our healthcare administration handbook. this has helped alot! thanks for the great service!
ReplyDeleteI'm interested in a couple of applications for your service for which high quality reproduction of graphics is essential. One is factory repair manuals for older cars, which are often scanned from microfiche films produced in the '70s and '80s then sold as PDFs. These often contain black-and-white photographs which are hard to understand unless printed with a wide range of contrast, i.e. accurate reproduction of many shades of gray.
ReplyDeleteThe other application is documents for pencil-and-paper RPGs. Many of these are produced by very small publishers and for sale online as PDFs only, i.e. not available in printed form at all. Unfortunately, many also include detailed color graphics which must be reproduced accurately for the book to be useful. (See http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com for many examples.) How soon will printme1.com offer color printing, and how good is your graphics quality?
ReplyDeleteBoth of your questions have to do with our print resolution capabilities.
For our current black & white printing, we print at 1200 x 600 dpi (Interpolated). At this resolution, if you can see a line, it would print.
We are working on color. When it goes live, we will print at resolution of up to 2400 dpi x 600 dpi.
We actually have the equipment up and running. We have been working on the website enhancements to enable it.