For instructors using OER, or materials you have written yourself and hold the copyright on, or titles in the public domain, preview our new PDF Portal to host your PDF’s on our site to provide a simple way for your bookstore (or students) to obtain a print directly from us without needing to upload a pdf file.
We want your feedback. Please post any comments on your experience below in this blog post. Or use our contact page. is a great way to get pdf's printed, bound, and shipped for as little as $11.99. At this time, a 250 page pdf is just $17.84 with BW printing, GBC Comb bind, and shipped to the end user's US address.
What is this PDF Portal?
We created a simple way for instructors to store pdf's that are accessible by their students or campus bookstore from a "ready to checkout" link. Our PDF Portal is also usable for anyone who needs to distribute print materials to users in the US and at the end user's purchase option. There is no charge to use the PDF Portal.
By hosting your pdf's of OER instructional materials on our PDF Portal, your students are directed to our site to obtain a print for OER course materials and find the suggested format preselected in their cart, without requiring them to find our site and then upload. The same goes for campus bookstores.
Before you upload, you can also use our Build feature to mash up OER titles and mix with your own works to make a custom open source teaching tool for your course.
The link to your pdf contains a thumbnail of the 1st page, and the suggested print-type and binding you choose, so all the student (or bookstore! *) needs to do is click "order a print", confirm the price, and checkout though PayPal. View a sample link here.
How To Get Started
1.) Bottom of, go to "Sign up". Enter your email address and choose a password. (The next time after registration, just use "Log in" at the bottom.)
2.) Read, Acknowledge, and agree to our terms of service and start uploading.
3.) Upload a pdf you want to use. All pdf's are reviewed to ensure the content is OER or otherwise something we are able to print. You will be notified by email when the link is active.
4.) We appreciate your feedback. Use the comments below or our contact page.
*For bookstore orders in the US- have them contact us if they are not able to use PayPal. We do not accept returns for unsold items.
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